Say Hello
Got a question about the conference?
Fill in the contact form or email a member of the ASREAP committee.
Send us an email.
Geraldine Swindells
ASREAP President
St John Fisher College,
John Fisher Drive,
Bracken Ridge, 4017
Marysia Rice
ASREAP Communications
St Edmund's College,
16 Mary Street,
Ipswich 4305
Visit Us
The 2022 ASREAP Conference
will be held in Cairns
2.30pm Wednesday 20th July - 3pm Friday 22nd July 2022
Payment Details
$900 Full Conference Ticket
-Includes Conference program, lunches and light meals, two evening dinners and two nights’ accommodation.
$640 Three Day Conference Ticket
-Includes Conference program with lunch and light meals.
$250 Single Day Conference Ticket
-Includes single day access to individual days of Conference program with lunch and light meals.
Direct Debit:
ASREAP Committee
Westpac Bank (Kippa Ring Branch),
BSB: 034-059, Account: 191636
Send Cheque to:
Carly Richardson
ASREAP Treasurer:
C/O Mary MacKillop College
60 Bage Street Nundah 4012.