2023 ASREAP Conference
on the Sunshine Coast at the
Surfair Conference & Events Centre
Opens 2pm Wednesday 14 June
Concludes 2pm Friday 16 June 2023
Registrations Now Open.
Respond to the call to read the Signs of the Time.
As times change, we as Christians must constantly change but how do we discern the right response? How do we support young people to engage in experiences of God, so they too can respond to where they are being called?
The 2023 ASREAP Conference, is an opportunity for Religious Education Coordinators; Assistant Principals Religious Education; Directors of Mission, Identity and others charged with the responsibility for Religious Education and the faith life of Catholic schools to contemplate a regeneration of the Holy.
The experience will be valuable for individual formation as a leader as well as offering practical support that can inform responsibilities through challenging presentations, interactive workshops and sharing of wisdom, participants will take time to discern Entry Points into Sacred.
ASREAP Conference 2023
This conference is developed and facilitated by Assistant Principals for Assistant Principals of Faith, Mission and Religious Education, Campus Ministers and Leaders of Identity in Catholic Education.
The 2023 ASREAP Conference, is an opportunity to contemplate a regeneration of the Holy. The experience will be valuable for individual formation as a leader as well as offering practical support that can inform responsibilities through challenging presentations, interactive workshops and sharing of wisdom, participants will take time to discern Entry Points into Sacred.
3 Day Conference includes: Expert Presenters, Workshops, Accommodation & Conference Dinner
Official registrations now open.